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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Types of People threatening Nigeria's Unity

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It’s been about 103 years(1914-2017) that different groups have been living together and controlled by one central administration, yet threats against the nation's unity is becoming stronger everyday, Nigerians still live as if they are forced to live together.
together for a century and three years but still can't learn how to live together in peace and unity. Who are those threatening Nigeria's Unity? Who are the supporters? They classified into different groups.
Check the list below to know if you are one of them.
a.  The Heroes
Some leaders, notable peoples and groups fall into this group. They want to be part of the  history. They want to become hero. They want to become founders of a new country, forgetting that they will destroy a whole nation during the process. They don not see Nigeria as a bowl of water placed on a three legged stand
b. |The Hypocrites
This are people or groups that always blame IPOB, Arewa Youths, MOSSOB, Afenifere Youths etc for threatening Nigeria Unity but later makes statements such as “if Nigeria breaks up today, this community/L.G.A/state will join that group” and other statement showing that they are also preparing for disintegration of the nation.
c. The fault finders and stigmatizers 
This type of people indirectly contribute to the issue. There is a common saying “condemn the wrong act not the actor” but this type of people will condemn both the actor and his tribe/state.
The tags people from a particular area with a wrong doing.  For example (1) someone who always want to buy cheap product and later end up in buying products of low quality, they say “Na Igbo made”. (2) They always use names from a particular part or religion as abusive terms e.g. Aboki, Afonja, Sule, Suraju etc (3) They tags anyone that fight with broken bottle “Agbero” (Yoruba thugs) with knife/cutlass “Fulani”
They always make post to abuse people from a tribe/religion on social media platforms
d. The over religious
I will say most Nigerians are very religious. They respect religious values. Many religious leader encourages their followers to practice love only within their brothers and sisters in religion.
They hate people practicing other religions such (1) that they can’t vote for them in time of elections.
(2) They  cant help people practicing other religions. (3) They are never satisfied with the doings of people from other religions
e  The territory Setters
This type of people of a prejudiced view of other people’s culture and imbibe this view into our kids and youths. For example: Most Nigerian parents will never allow their child to marry someone from other tribe. They don’t wan their child to have his NYSC service in another states. If a minor disagreement come up between couples of different tribes they say “that is how people from that tribe behaves”. Some can only vote for someone from their state in an election without considering his manifesto.
Some school managements only admit only aspirant from their states, some admit from any state but indigene pays twice or trice indigene fees
Some people of this group that are staying abroad will relate to a fellow Nigerian there as a brother instead they start the story “he is a Yoruba man and I am an Hausa man” who asked you the story?
 If you fall into any of these category, change today. Let us promote #oneNigeira. Remember, anythreat against ones country is a threat against ones state, family and oneself.
Let’s fulfill our pledge to Nigeria “…To defend her Unity…”
For peace and justice to reign in Nigeria we must promote UNITY
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